Bài Tập Unit 10 Our Houses In The Future Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 Global Success (05.04.2024)

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Bài Tập Unit 10 Our Houses In The Future Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 Global Success (05.04.2024)

Bài Tập Unit 10 Our Houses In The Future Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 Global Success (05.04.2024)

Thầy Thắng



Ngày đăng: 05-04-2024 07:55:10




Trường THCS Đỗ Đăng Tuyển, TP Đà Nẵng, 2023 - 2024


I. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. housework                  B. hi-tech                            C. kitchen

2. A. market                        B. palace                             C. cartoon

3. A. outside                        B. super                               C. washing

II. Find the odd one out A, B, C:

1. A. palace                         B. factory                            C. cottage

2. A. and                             B. in                                    C. on

3. A. living room                B. window                           C. bedroom

4. A. computer                                B. dishwasher                     C. housework

5. A building                       B. village                            C. countryside

III. Circle the option marked by A, B, or C which best completes each sentences or do as directed:

1. He can_________us to cook rice.

A. help                                B. helping                           C. to help

2. You can_________ to the new house.

A. moving                           B. move                              C. to move

3. In the future, I will have a__________ to buy food from the supermarket.

A. dishwasher                     B. clock                               C. super smart TV

4. My future house will be__________ the sky.

A. to                                    B. in                                    C. by

5. My dream house will be__________ the Moon.

A. by                                   B. on                                   C. of

6. She will have a___________ machine in their future house.

A. cooker                            B. fridge                              C. washing

7. They will have a__________ to look after the children

A. type                                B. super                               C. robot

8. He might___________a smart TV and five robots.

A. have                                B. having                            C. has

9. Find the mistake in the sentence:

Will you live on the sea

 A               B     C

10. My brother___________ to music tomorrow.

A. will listen                       B. listen                               C. listens

11. Express your surprise when you see your partner's new watch.

Wow! Is that your new watch?       ______________________

A. It's really nice!               B. It's really hot!                 C. It's really fresh!

12. What__________ will her future house have?- A dishwasher/ a robot / a washing machine, ...

A. windows                         B. doors                               C. appliances

13. There will be a lot___________ rooms in his house.

A. of                                    B. in                                    C. at

14. They will have a__________ to surf the internet.

A. fridge                              B. cooker                            C. computer

IV. Complete each sentence with the correct form of verbs in bracket.

1. Robots (clean)________________ the housework in the future.

2. My brother help me (write)________________ the lesson.

3. They (visit)________________ Da Lat next week.

4. I (play)________________ badminton tomorrow

5. They help us (play)________________ soccer every day.

6. He (not go)________________ fishing tomorrow.

7. You usually helps him (do)________________ his homework?.

8. Next summer vacation, my parents (visit)________________ Hue.

9. We might (go)________________ to Nha Trang.

10. They might (live)________________ on the moon.

V Complete each sentence with the correct form of words in bracket:

1. He might have a.........................................TV. (wire)

2. His daughter is very………………………. and intelligent. (beauty)

3. Near my house there is a market. It's very………………….….. (noise)

4. Her………………………..are in the yard. They are playing soccer. (child)

5. There are a ……………………....machine in her house. (wash)


In the future, we will live in amazing new houses. Our houses will use the sun or the wind to make electricity. We won't use cookers, dishwashers or washing machines because robots will help us. We will have robots to cook our dinner and wash our clothes. We will have robots to look after our children. We won't use computers. We will have special remote control units. We can surf the internet, send and receive emails and order food from the markets without getting out of bed.

We won't have TVs or CD players because we will have watches that play music, take pictures and tell the time. Our cars won't use gas. They will use energy from air, water and plants. In the future the air won't be polluted. Our world will be a great place to live in.

* Decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F):




1. According to the passage, the houses will use the sun or the wind to make electricity



2. Robots will help them to do housework



3. They will have TVs that play mucic, takes picture and tell the time



4. In the future the air will be polluted




* Answer the questions:

1. According to the passage, who will look after the children?


2. Will the world be a great place to live in?


3. Will the world not be a great place to live in?


4. According to the passage, what will the cars not use?





When you're out of the house, is the fridge on the phone to the supermarket? Is the heating system having a word with the bath? And when you get back home, does the doorknob recognise you and say hello? Probably not, but in the house of the future all this and more - is possible. Researchers say that technology will transform your home in ways you can only dream about. Nanotechnology will play an important role. It will clean your windows. Intelligent spoons will check how hot or cold your soup is an the walls will sense if anyone is in your garden. The next generation of fridges will use the Internet to make sure your food stays fresh and they'll get in touch with the supermarket to order some more and you'll never run out of milk again. When you are on the way home and feel like a warm bath, all you have to do is sending a text massage to the heating system. The heating system warms the water and even runs the bath so that as soon as you walk through the front door, you can jump in and relax. Welcome to the smart home of the future!

A. Match the words with their meaning.

1. heating system (n)                          a. communicate with

2. doorknob (n)                                    b. discover or find out

3. transform (v)                                    c. a system for making a building warm

4. sense (v)                                          d. use up or finish all of something

5. get in touch with (idm)                     e. a round handle that you turn to open a door

6. run out of (phr.v)                               f. change completely


B. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Houses in the future will be smarter than today's houses.

2. Nanotechnology will help protect your house.

3. The fridge will remind you when to go to the supermarket.

4. You can control your heating system by using text massages.

5. Researchers say a smart house is just a dream.




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