Đề Cương Ôn Tập Giữa Học Kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 Global Success (31.05.2024)

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Đề Cương Ôn Tập Giữa Học Kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 Global Success (31.05.2024)

Đề Cương Ôn Tập Giữa Học Kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 Global Success (31.05.2024)

Thầy Thắng



Ngày đăng: 31-05-2024 09:02:35




Trường THCS Đỗ Đăng Tuyển, TP Đà Nẵng, 2023 - 2024



I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. condition                              B. protect                           C. tofu

2. A. maturity                                 B. teenager                       C. orphanage

3. A. machine                             B. chemical                       C. Christmas

4. A. washed                               B. knocked                        C. collected  

5. A. provided                           B. helped                       C. asked

II. Choose the word with the different stress pattern.

1. A. beauty                                   B. pretty                         C. begin

2. A. collect                                   B. lesson                       C. tutor      

3. A. sickness                             B. service                      C. affect    

4. A. donate                                  B. provide                      C. rubbish

5. A. recycle                                  B. remember                     C. decorate

III. Find one word which does not belong to each group

1. A. swimming                         B. eating                            C. running

2. A. volleyball                          B. running nose           C. baseball

3. A. cabbages                           B. soft drinks                     C. sweetened food

4. A. fit                                        B. toothache                     C. healthy 

5. A. sunburn                                B. suncream                     C. red spots  

IV. Chose the correct option A, B or C for each gap in the following sentences.

1. My father ___________a teacher. He works in a hospital.

A. is                                        B. isn’t                                        C. aren’t

2. We usually collect used paper and exchange it ________ notebooks.

A. at                                            B. for                                  C. on

3. I ___________rock music but my brothers don’t like it.

A. likes                                   B. like                             C. don’t like          

4. We ________ English to children in a primary school last summer.

A. teach                                     B. teaches                     C. taught               

5. They started to ________ funds for street children last month.

A. raise                                      B. spend                        C. borrow

6. We ought to participate ________ the volunteer activities because we can help a lot of poor people.

A. of                                        B. in                                C. at                       

7. You should recycle rubbish ________  it helps protect the environment.

A. but                                     B. because                    C. or                             

8. It is difficult to see or read in the _____________ light.

A. dim                                             B. fresh                          C. bright

9. It's a pity that I __________ 'Green Summer' programme last year.

A. don't join                           B. didn't join                  C. didn’t joined

10. I often__________ children and provide homework help before or after school.

A. tutor                                   B. clean                         C. donate              

11. It’s so easy to get flu, so you ________  wash your hands regularly.

A. should                               B. shouldn’t                   C. can’t                 

12. You need to be _____ to follow eggshell carving because it may take two weeks to complete one shell.

A. lazy                                                    B. fit                                C. patient

13.  In 2012, they ______ their project for street children.

A. are starting                                   B. started                       C. start

14. Who’s going to look ________ the children while you’re away?

A. after                                       B. on                              C. at                   

15. We ________  to the cinema twice a month. We all love ________  the latest films.

A. go – watched                 B. went – watching          C. go – watching 

16. It's good to ________ blood because you can save the people's life.

A. donate                               B. give                                        C. help                               

17. Eating too much junk food will be ________ for your health.

A. harm                                      B. harmful                     C. harmless

18. We shouldn’t spend much time ________TV and ________games.

A. watching/play                 B. to watch/ to play     C. watching/ playing

19. Hoa is very ________, and she paints very well. Her hobby is painting.

A. happy                                B. careful                   C. creative

20. Those students picked ________ all the litter on the streets.

A. at                                                  B. on                              C. up                                  

21. My parents asked me to ________ after my younger sister when they were away from home.

A. look                           B. take                     C. go                      

22. You are what you eat, so don’t eat ________ foods.

A. unhealth                               B. healthy                      C. unhealthy

23. You should be careful with ________ you eat and drink.

A. who                                               B. what                          C. why                    

24. Eating coloured vegetables and exercising can help you ________fit and stay healthy.

A. have                                 B. do                               C. keep        

25. Last week, Mary and Paul __________ to the cinema.

A. go                                         B. goes                          C. went

26. ________ Peter ________ part in English- speaking club every month?

A. Do . . . take                                       B. Does . . . takes             C. Does . . . take

27. Our classmates ________  a volunteer work  two years ago.

A. joins                                       B. join                                 C. joined

28. What ________ you ________ to help the elderly people in your city last month?

A. did . . . do                              B. do . . . do                      C. did . . . did

29. A ________ diet helps us feel healthier.

A. healthy                                  B. unhealthy                     C. health

30. – Lan:  “I am putting on weight”.     – You: “__________”

A. “Eat more fast food”                

B. “Eat more fruit and vegetables, do more exercise”               

C. “Brush your teeth twice a day”


I. Read the passage and fill each blank, using the words in the box.

eager          volunteers             and             make          dump          so

Mr. Brown and some (1)              are on a very dirty beach now. Today they are ready to (2)             the beach a clean and beautiful place again. After listening to Mr. Brown’s instructions, they are divided into three groups. Group 1 needs to walk along the beach. Group 2 should check the sand, (3)                 group 3 has to check among the rocks. Garbage must be put into plastic bags, and the bags will be collected by Mr. Brown. He will take the bags to the garbage (4)                . They all are (5)                  to work hard to refresh this area.

II. Fill in each blank with a word from the box.     

if            because           products            after            lifestyle      

With good food habits and daily physical activities you will have a healthy (1) ___________. Exercise helps you lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases, in addition to exercise, making just a few other changes in your life can help keep you healthy, such as:

© Watch less TV or spend less time playing computer or video games. You should use this time to exercise instead.

© Eat 3 healthy meals a day, including at least 4 servings of fruits, 5 servings of vegetables, and 4 servings of dairy (2) ___________.

© Make sure you drink plenty of fluids before, during, and (3) ___________ any exercise. Water is best but flavoured sports drinks can be used (4) ___________ they do not contain a lot of sugar. This will help replace what you lose when you sweat.

© Stop drinking or drink fewer regular soft drinks.

© Eat less junk food and fast food (5) ___________ they are often full of fat, cholesterol, salt, and sugar.

© Get 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.

III. Read the passage, and then choose the correct answer.

         Each country has many good people who take care of others. For example, some of students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the elderly. They read books to the people in these places, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems.

         Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. They paint, clean up, or repair their houses, do the shopping. For boys who don t have fathers, there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to basketball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers.

         Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go and play games. Some of these clubs show movies or hold short trips to the mountains, the beaches, museums, or other places of interest. Most of these clubs use a lot of students as volunteers because they are young enough to understand the problems of younger boys and girls.

1. What do volunteers usually do to help those who are sick or old in their homes?

A. They tell them stories and sing and dance for them.

B. They do shopping, and repair or clean up their houses.

C. They cook, sew, and wash their clothes.

2. What do they help boys whose father do not live with them?

A. To learn things that boys usually learn from their fathers.

B. To get to know things about their fathers.

C. To get to know things that boys want from their fathers.

3. Which activity is NOT available for the students at the clubs?

A. watching films      B. going to interest places          C. learning photography

4. Why do they use many students as volunteers? – Because                    .

A. they know how to do the work

B. they have a lot of free time

C. they can understand the problems of younger boys and girls

5. Where don’t students often do volunteer work?

A. hospitals                    B. homes for the elderly          C. clubs

IV. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer.

Herbal Medicine

Everyone wants to be healthy. People see doctors. They take pills to stay healthy. However, plants have been used to heal for thousands of years. More and more people are trying herbs to stay healthy. Plants used to heal are called "herbal medicine”. There are many plants used in herbal medicine. Each plant is used in a certain way. Herbal medicine works more slowly than most pills. Many people think plants are gentle on the body. There are a lot of examples of helpful plants. Ginger can help your body. Eating ginger often may help you stay healthy. Another helpful plant is parsley (cây ngò tây). It can stop bad breath. Herbs may be gentler than some pills. However, this does not mean that anyone can take them in any way. You should always be careful. Some herbs can be harmful, too. Too much rosemary can be very bad for your stomach. It can make you sick. Foxglove is a very pretty flower. It also has poison in it. Nevertheless, if you are afraid of using herbs, you may be surprised.

You have probably already used some kind of herbal medicine. Coffee, garlic, ginseng, and peppermint are all used in herbal medicine. Herbal medicine is becoming popular again, as people become more interested in their health.

1. How long have people used plants to cure?

A. for decades                      B. for centuries                   C. for millenniums

2. How does herbal medicine work?

A. Herbal medicine works as slowly as most pills.

B. Herbal medicine works more quickly than most pills.

C. Herbal medicine works more slowly than most pills.

3. According to the passage, ________.

A. parsley can stop bad breath. B. ginger may help us warmer.  C. coffee may help us sleep well.

4. Which of the following sentences is not TRUE?

A. There are a lot of helpful plants.      B. There are some harmful herbs. C. All herbs are useful.

5. It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A. old people want to be healthy.

B. more and more people are interested in their health.

C. some plants have used in herbal medicine.


I. Do as directed in brackets.

1. Fast food/ my/ and/ fried food/ mother/ eats/ never/ (rearrange the words to make a simple sentence)

→ _____________________________________________

2. My sister/ use/ a lot/ suncream/ summer. (Complete each the sentence using the cues given)

→ _____________________________________________

3. How/ students/ your school/ do/ help/ the people/ flooded areas/ last year? (complete the sentences)

→ ____________________________________________

4. Lan is friendly and her brother is friendly too.

→ Both Lan _____________________________________

5. Carol is at home. Her brother is at home, too.

→ Both Carol _____________________________________

6. The Japanese work hard. They do a lot of outdoor activities, too.

→ The Japanese _________________________________

7. Eating too much fast food is not good for your health.

→ You shouldn’t __________________________________

8. Doing outdoor activities is good for your health.

→ You should __________________________________

9. My sister is interested in collecting stamps of different countries in the world. (Use enjoy to rewrite the sentence)

→ My sister ___________________________________

10. My brother is fond of going fishing at the weekends. (Use enjoy to rewrite the sentence)

→ My brother _____________________________________

11. Find and correct ONE mistake in the following sentence:

   Ann’s father isn’t like watching ice hockey on TV.

          A            B             C                      D

12. Find and correct ONE mistakes in the following sentence:

  Mi danced and sing for the homeless children at the Village of Hope last Sunday.

A     B                                               C

13. What should you do when you are putting on weight? (answer the question)

→ __________________________________________

14. What did you do to help the street children in your community last month? (answer the question)

→ __________________________________________

 II. Write a short paragraph (about 60 - 80 words) about your hobby, including these ideas:

1. What is the name of your hobby?                           

2. When did you start it?

3. Who do you want to share hobby with?                 

4. How do you think about your hobby?

5. Do you intend to continue this hobby in the future?







III. Write a short paragraph (about 60 - 80 words) about your community activities, using the cues below (1.0 pt):

1. What are your community activities are      

2. How often you take part in these activities

3. Who  you join these activities with              

4. What the benefits of these activities are








The end


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