Đề Cương Ôn Tập Giữa Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 Global Success 28.02.2024

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Đề Cương Ôn Tập Giữa Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 Global Success 28.02.2024

Đề Cương Ôn Tập Giữa Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 Global Success 28.02.2024

Thầy Thắng



Ngày đăng: 28-02-2024 02:01:55





A. Nội dung kiến thức ôn tập:

1. Từ vựng: Từ Unit 7 đến Unit 9

2. Grammar:

- Tense (Present Simple, Past Simple,)

- Imperatives

- Conjuctions (and, but, so)

- Question words (What, Where, When, …..)

- Possessive adjectives

- Possessive pronouns

- Exclamation sentence

B. Bài tập tham khảo


1. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from others.

Write A, B, C or D in the blank.

A. round                B. shoulder                 C. mouth                         D. house

2. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from others.

Write A, B, C or D in the blank.

A. moutain             B. mouse                    C. round                          D. cousin

3. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from others.

Write A, B, C or D in the blank.

A. town                  B. crowded                  C. snow                           D. tower

4. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from others.

Write A, B, C or D in the blank.

A. they                   B. thank                      C. there                           D. those

5. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from others.

Write A, B, C or D in the blank.

A. than                  B. their                        C. mouth                         D. then

6. “A:  ______________do you like this TV programme?

  B: Because it helps me relax.

  A. What                 B. Where                    C. Who     D. Why

7. ______________does the movie start? – At 9 o’clock.

  A. Where               B. What                      C. Which                         D. When

8. _______ is your favourite comedian? - Charlie Chaplin.

  A. Who                  B. Which                     C. How                            D. What

9. My little brother can draw ______________colour pictures very well.

  A. and                    B. but                          C. or  D. so

10. It was very warm, ___________ we all went swimming.

  A. and                    B. but                          C. or  D. so

11. My brother likes talent shows, ______________he doesn’t like animated films

  A. and                    B. but                          C. or  D. so

12. ‘Let’s learn teaches children to study Maths. It’s an ______________   program.

  A. live                    B. popular                   C. entertaining                 D. educational

13. Music channel attracts millions of _______ throughout the country.

  A. characters         B. writers                    C. reporters                     D. viewers

14. You have to throw the ball into the net when you play ___________.

  A. basketball          B. football                    C. tennis                          D. badminton

15. I play sport very often, so I look very___________.

  A. sport                  B. sports                     C. sporty                         D. sporting

16. We ___________to Ho Chi Minh for our last summer vacation.

  A. go                      B. went                       C. goed                           D. will go

17. John ___________return to America last week.

  A. doesn’t              B. isn’t                        C. didn’t  D. wasn’t

18. Last weekend Phong and Lan ___________their grandparents.

  A. visit                   B. is visiting                 C. will visit                             D. visited

19. All of us ___________at home yesterday evening.

  A. were                  B. was                        C. did D. are

20. ___________run too fast. You may fall.

  A. Don’t                 B. Do                          C. Didn’t                          D. Did


21. ________________ draw on the walls and tables, please.

  A. Do                     B. Don't                      C. Should                        D. Shouldn't

22. _______ watch too much TV, Jack! Turn it off.

  A. Not                    B. Don’t                      C. Doesn’t                       D. No

23. You're talking too much. ___________please.

  A. Continue            B. Don't continue         C. Stop                            D. Don't stop

24. His new bike is quite small. _____________ is bigger.

  A. My                     B. Her                         C. Their                           D. Mine

25. David has got two brothers. They are _____________ daughters.

  A. its                      B. his                          C. her D. their

26. My cousins phoned me from _____________ house in Mexico City.

  A. its                      B. his                          C. her D. their

27. This computer game belongs to me and my brother. This computer game is _____________.

  A. us                      B. ours                        C. we’re                           D. our

28. Can you lend me your red pen? I don’t know where _____________ is.

  A. I                        B. me                          C. my D. mine

29. New York City is a big city. _____________ buildings are high.

  A. Its                      B. It’s                          C. Their                           D. Theirs

30. David has got two brothers. They are _____________ daughters.

  A. its                      B. his                          C. her D. their

31. This camera belongs to my aunt. This camera is _____________.

  A. hers                   B. mine                       C. his D. ours

32. There are a lot of _____________ in Thailand.

  A. Shop                 B. restaurant               C. floating markets                      D. street food

33. The Eiffel Tower is a famous _____________ of Paris.

  A. Square              B. cathedral                 C. landmark                     D. principal

34. A creature with the head off a lion and the body of a fish, it is the symbol of____________.

  A. Sydney              B. England                  C. Australia                     D. Singapore


1. Complete the conversation using the questions given in the box. Fill in the blanks with (A-E)

A. It’s on VTV2 channel, at 8:30 p.m from Monday to Thursday.

B. I like it so much because it gives me a lot of information about animals and their living environments. You know I love animals, so this programme is very useful and interesting to me.

C. It is “The World of Animals”

D. It provides us with a lot of stories of the life of animals in the world.

E. I’m watching my favourite programme

Nam  : What are you doing tonight, Phong?

Phong  : (1) ______________________________________________

Nam  : What is your favourite programme?

Phong  : (2) ______________________________________________

Nam  : The World of Animals? What is it about?

Phong  : (3) ______________________________________________

Nam  : Wow! Sound great! What channel is it on?

Phong  : (4) ______________________________________________

Nam  : Why do you like it?

Phong  : (5) ______________________________________________

Nam  : Yeah, … I see. I’m also interest in stories of the life of animals in the world, so I will watch it.

2. Complete the conversation with the questions from the box. Fill in the blanks with (A-E)

A. What did you do yesterday?

B. What did you eat?

C. Did you visit any famous places?

D. Are you having a good time?

E. Did you have fun?


Phong  : Hi, Mum!

Mum : Hi, Phong. (1) _____________________________________?

Phong  : Yes, we are. Singapore is such an amazing city!

Mum : (2)  _____________________________________?

Phong  : My friends and I went around the city and did some shopping.

Mum : (3)  _____________________________________?

Phong  : Yes, we visited Merlion - a famous landmark here. Then, we went to the Disneyland.

Mum : (4)  _____________________________________?

Phong  : Absolutely. There were a lot of exciting and fun games. We spent the whole afternoon  playing.

Mum : (5)  _____________________________________?

Phong  : We enjoyed the best local dishes such as Hainanese chicken and chili crab.

Mum : Enjoy your time there!

Phong  : Thanks, Mum.


3. Match the questions with the answers.

1. What's your favourite program?

A. It’s beautiful with long beaches.

2. Why don't you watch some news programs?

B. Twice a week.

4. How often do you go to the gym?

C. I like watching Cartoons and Game shows.

5. What’s Da Nang like?

D. I play badminton every Saturday.

6. What sports do you usually play at the weekend?

E. Because they're usually boring.

7. Which channel does she like best?

F. Sure. It’s on from 8 to 10.

8. Can we watch a gameshow at 9?

G. Her favourite is Cartoon Network.












R1. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

  Today, there is a TV set in nearly every home. People watch television every day, and some people watch it from morning until night. Americans watch television about 35 hours a week. But is television good or bad for you? People have different answers. Some say that there is a lot of violence on TV today, the programs are terrible and people don't get any exercise because they only sit and watch TV. Others think that TV programs bring news from around the world, help you learn many useful things, especially children. Thanks to television, people learn about life in other countries, and it helps people relax after a long day of hard work.

1. What is there in nearly every home?
  A. bed                    B. table                       C. TV D. fridge

2. How often do people people watch TV?

  A. every day          B. week day                C. Sunday                       D. Saturday

3. How many hours a week do American watch TV?

  A. 35 hours            B. 36 hours                 C. 37 hours                          D. 38 hours

4. What are the disadvantages of watching TV too much?

  A. It makes people lazier                               B. It makes people become more hardworking

  C. It makes people relax                                                                  D. It makes people useful

5. What can TV help people?

  A. earn money       B. work faster              C. save money                        D. relax


R2. Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Cristiano Ronaldo was born in 1985 in Portugal. He is widely regarded as one of the best players in the world. Ronaldo became a soccer superstar. He played for English team Manchester United, Spain’s Real Madrid and for Portugal. He plays in midfield, from where he regularly scores goals. Ronaldo started kicking a ball around when he was three. He played very skillfully. When he was ten years old, He joined Sporting Lisbon and became the only player in their history. In 2009, Ronaldo joined his boyhood heroes Real Madrid and became the most expensive footballer in history. He earned a lot of money at that time. He broke Real’s scoring record in his second season with 53 goals in all competitions. In 2012, Diego Mara Dona said Ronaldo was ‘’the best player on the planet”.

1. Where was Cristiano Ronaldo from?

A. England.                    B. The South.             C. Portugal.                           D. USA.

2. He became a ..................... superstar.  

A.  volleyball                  B. football                 C. tennis                               D. badminton

3. Why did Ronaldo become the most expensive footballer in history?

A. Because he played very badly.                           B. Because he practiced hard.

C. Because he played skillfully.                               D. Because he earned a lot of money.      

4. He became the most expensive footballer in history when he was___________.    

A. 24                             B. 27                             C. 20                             D. 35    


 R3. Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each gap to complete the following passage:

  Watching television is an interesting and fun activity. The first television broadcast (1)____ Australia was in 1956. Back then, the pictures on a TV (2)_____ black and white only. Television has changed a lot since then. There are several (3)_______and they show different TV programmes. In Western Australia, the main channels are ABC, Seven, Nine, Ten, and SBS. TV guides tell us (4)________ programmes are showing on which channel, and at what time on a day. Many programmes on television are episodes. They are part of a series. These episodes usually last for either 30 minutes or a full hour. At the weekend there are interesting films. You can watch (5)_______ instead of going to the cinema.

  1. A. from                    B. to                      C. in                        D. at

  2. A. is                         B. were                 C. was                    D. are

3. A. programme          B. television           C. channel                 D. channels

  4. A. how                     B. what               C. where                     D. why     

  5. A. them                       B. it                       C. they                           D. their

R4: Read the passage, and then choose the correct answers.

Tokyo is the capital of Japan. In Tokyo, there are always too many people in the place where you want to come.

People are very polite even when they often spend a long time on traffic jams. Tokyo is different from London when you want to walk to a place.

During the day, most people travel to work by train. Tokyo people buy six million train tickets every day. Although they are usually crowded, Japanese trains are very good. They always leave and arrive on time. On a London train, everybody in a seat seems to be asleep whether the journey is long or short.

The worst time to be in the street at night is about 11.30 when the nightclubs are closing and everybody wants to go home.

1. Tokyo is different from London because           .

A. it has a larger population                  B. it is a noisy city

C. it is more difficult to walk to somewhere      D. its people are friendly and more polite

2. When does the writer think the worst time to go into the street?

A. When the nightclubs are closing.                B. At 8.00 am.

C. When the trains are full.                   D. At 11.30 am

3. What does the writer think of Japanese trains?

A. They are very nice and comfortable. B. There are not enough trains.

C. They often run late.                          D. They leave and arrive on time.

4. In London trains, every British in a seat            .

A. reads a newspaper                          B. looks like being asleep

C. talks with other people                     D. looks out of the window.


I. Rewrite the following sentences so that it means the same as the first. Use the cues in brackets.

1. That is an interesting book. (What)


2. His picture is very perfect. (What)

-> _____________________________________!

4. I want to watch Pokemon cartoon. I turn to the Disney channel. (so)

→ _____________________________________


5. Phong wants to be a cameraman. He doesn’t have a camera. (but)

-> ______________________________________

6. Andrea wants to be an actor. He also wants to be a doctor. (and)

-> ______________________________________

7. This gameshow is interesting. That gameshow is so boring. (but)

-> ______________________________________

8. You should not play soccer in the street. (Imperatives)

->  ______________________________________

9. You should wash your hands before meals. (Imperatives)

-> ________________________________________

10. My friends and I have got sweets. (possessive pronouns)

-> The sweets ________________________________

11. Those books belong to me. (possessive pronouns)

-> Those books __________________________________

II. Make questions for the underlined part in each sentence.

1. The news programme is on TV every day.


2. We go to the zoo twice a month.


3. My mother likes the comedy because it makes her laugh.


4. James Cameron is the director of the film “Avatar” in 2009.


5. He visited Ha Noi last summer.



III. Choose one of the topics and write a paragraph (40-60 words) about it, using the cues

1. Write a short paragraph about your favourite TV programme.

- Name of the programme

- Kind of the programme

- The channel it is on

- The content of the programme

- Reasons why you like it

2. Write a short paragraph about your favourite sport/game

- What is the name of the soprt / game ?

- How many players are there?

- How often do you play it?

- What equipment does it need?

- Why do you like it?









---THE END---


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Bài Đăng Gần Đây

Đề Thi Tốt Nghiệp THPT Năm 2024
Thầy Thắng ĐỀ THI THPT 15
TOEIC PART 3 Short Conversations (10.06.2024)
Thầy Thắng PART III TOEIC 15


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