Đề Cương Ôn Tập Giữa Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 23.02.2024

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Đề Cương Ôn Tập Giữa Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 23.02.2024

Đề Cương Ôn Tập Giữa Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 23.02.2024

Thầy Thắng



Ngày đăng: 23-02-2024 00:51:34




Trường THCS Đàm Quang Trung, TP Đà Nẵng, 2020 - 2021




I. Choose the best word .

1. Teachers provide a model for children to (behave / change / imitate) _____ 

2. The paintings (whose / which / what)_____ Mr. Brown has in his house are worth around £100,000. 

3.If Minh (has/ had/ have)_____ time, he would read many English books.

4. India is a country (which/ where / who)_____ he spent the early years of his life.

5.If she (is / were / will be)_____ rich, she would travel around the world.

6. I'm learning to (marinate/ steam/ garnish )______ different dishes to make them more attractive.

7. You should (whisk/ dip/ slice)______ the eggs before frying them.

8. If she wants to be healthy, she (may / should / need)______ reduce the amount of fast food she eats every day.

9. She spoke English with a(n) (accent / stress / intonation) that I couldn't understand.

10. We didn't fly directly to Australia. We had a one-night ______ ( stopover/ passer-by / checkout) in Singapore.

11. You should (spread / sprinkle / dip)______ butter on a slice of bread and put it in the oven for two minutes. 

12. It can be quite busy here during the tourist______ (season/ phase / period).

13. The university______  (which/ where / who) he studies English is among top university in Viet Nam. 

14. When the water boils, add some salt and_____  (a/ an/ the) slice  of lemon into the soup: 

15. Peter can just about get by_____ (up/ down/ in) japanese.

16.Louis is virtually bilingual_____ (on/ in/ for) Dutch and German. 

17. It's good to have someone to (lead / take/ guide)____ you when you are visiting a new place. 

18. Make sure you_____ (book/ keep/ buy) a hotel before you come to our island, especially in the summer 

19. She (took /looked / picked)______ up some Spanish when she was living in Mexico. 

20. I can have a conversation in Italian, but I'm a (bit/ lot/ very /too)____ rusty. 

21. I'd like (a/an/ the)_____ apple to make this dish taste better. 

22. If you want to go_____ (to/ on/ of) a long trip, you should prepare properly for it. 

23. If you study harder, you (passed / pass/ will pass)______ the examination next month.

24. His mother has just bought a (stick / bunch / pinch)_____  of bananas at the open-air market. 

25. That is the washing machine_____ (which/ who/ whom) I was given last year. 

26. The chemistry book______ (which / where / what ) I bought was a little expensive. 

27. Our company wants to employ some people_____ (which/ where / who) are bilingual in English and Japanese. 

28. Should we have a_____ ( tour guide/ tour director/ tour guard) go with us during the trip? 

29. You may have to show your_____ (passport / driving license / money) when you enter or leave a country. 

30. The new student in our class is reasonably good_____ ( at /in/on) English. 

31. I'm allergic_____ (to/ on/ in) prawn, so my skin turn red when I eat them. 

32. When Alice travels abroad, she often takes home some interesting_____  (luggage/ souvenirs/ pleasures) 

33. Mt. Everest is the highest peak of______  (a/ the / o) Himalayas. 

34. English has approximately 500.000 words and 300.000 technical_____  ( terms/ vocabularies/ words) 

35. Reading is the best way to (improve/ increase / raise)_____ your vocabulary in any language. 

36.Choose the letter A, B, or C to indicate the incorrect underlined part in the sentence:

Khang and Dan (A) have planed (B) to travel to (C) USA this Christmas. 

37. Choose the letter A, B, or C to indicate the incorrect underlined part in the sentence:

Many English (A) words have been (B) borrow over the (C) centuries

38. Choose the letter A, B, or C to indicate the incorrect underlined part in the sentence:

(A) Is there (B) some yogurt left (C) in the fridge? 

39. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern: (income / promote / delay).

40. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: (factor/ variety /package). 

41. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: (celery / local / chance). 

42. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: (accent / massive / account). 

43. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: (polluted / needed / lived). 

44. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern: (popular/ technical / official)

II. Use the correct form of the words given in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. In some countries, tourism plays a key role in their_______ growth. (economy) 

2. My grandparents prefer the ______ of country living. (simple) 

3. Adults often like hot, ______ foods, whereas children usually prefer mild ones. (Spice) 

4. what a_______decorated house! (beauty)  

5. How can we _______ more visitors to our places of interest? (attraction)  

6. A bad effect of tourism is the ________ of the wildlife in some places. (destroy) 

7. If you want to pay a more_______ price, remember to book the tour two weeks in advance. (reason) 

8. Kevin is very interested in the natural world and wildlife _______. (preserve)  

9. I need to ______ my French (improvement) 

10. Computers offer a much greater degree of________the way work is organized. (flexible)  

11.He can do grammar exercises well, but he can't have a_______ in English. (converse)  

12. How do you______ this word? I just can't say it right. ( pronunciation) 

III. Complete the sentences with the correct form and tense of the verbs in brackets. 

sleep    invite     do     study

1. Would you go to his party if he________ you? 

2. Tan_______last night when the phone rang. 

3. Don't worry. I think she will pass the exam. She_______ hard for months. 

4. This test must_________ carefully.

cook    not meet     pass     translate

1. If you study harder, you _______ the final exam easily. 

2. His first book_______ into many languages last year. 

3. We_______ each other since we left school. 

4. Her mother_______ dinner at that time yesterday.

move   play    speak      offer

1. If you could speak English, we _____ you the job. 

2. Helen and Jack_________games online when I knocked on the door. 

3. My father has felt better since he _______ to this town. 

4.English_______ all over the world.

want    build      not/finish       have

1. My house_______at present. 

2. Yesterday, when I visited them, they________ dinner.

3.He must wash the vegetables carefully if he_______ to eat them raw.

4. They________ their work yet.


I. Read the passage and fill in each gap with ONE suitable word from the list. 

1. wider - widest- driven - Alternatively- picturesque - known

Welcome to wonderful Dana Tours! Come to us and you are sure to find the (1)_____ range of holidays! You can pamper yourself at the five-star Vinland Hotel in a well-(2)_____ seaside resort, where the facilities are second to none. If you prefer a more active holiday, you can cruise around the island in a canoe, go diving to see the wonderfi coral reef, or go trekking to admire the spectacular scenery. (3)_____ , you might prefer to take a self-catering apartment in one of the (4)_____ fishing villages. There you can sample the authentic local cuisine, with its famous seafood specialities and choose from a variety of excursions to places of cultural and archaeological interest. Our prices are inclusive of all flights and accommodation, and represent excellent value. Book now, before it's too late!

2.healthy    for    to    have     ingredients    component 

Having a healthy breakfast every day is very important, especially (1)_____ teenagers. It can give you an energy boost in the morning and improve your focus. If you don't (2)_____ a lot of time in the morning, this breakfast recipe should be perfect for you. Banana muffin is a very simple recipe. All you need is a few common (3)______ and a microwave. First, prepare three tablespoons of whole wheat flour, a little bit of baking power and cinnamon. Put them in a cup then add two tablespoons of milk and honey. Smash half a banana then blend it with the mixture. Po the cup in the microwave for one minute and the quick, (4)______ breakfast is ready for you.

3.healthiest    healthy    eating     eat     for      affordable

Fish is an important part of Japanese (1)______ habit. Despite a small population, Japanese people consume mo than 10% of the world's fish. Fish features in many Japanese signature dishes. being an island nation, a country surrounded by water, Japan has a booming fishing industry. Eating fish is not only (2)____  but also good for the economy in general. Furthermore, Japanese people eat fish for health related reasons as fish is one of the (3)_____ foods in the world. According to many studies, eating fish is good (4)______ your brain, your eyes and reduce  the risk of heart diseases. This is why Japan is among the countries that have the highest life expectancy. It's also on of the few developed countries with low rate of cancer.

4. change     openness   speak   simplicity    simple    flexibility 

English is the language which has the largest vocabulary, with approximately 500,000 words and 300, 000 technical terms. One of the basic characteristics of English is the (1)_____ of form. Many English words have been simplifie over centuries. Many English words do not (2)_____ according to parts of speech. Another basic characteristics of English is the (3)______ . English has become a flexible language in which the same word can operate as many part of speech. The (4)_____ of vocabulary is another basic characteristic of English. English has many borrowed words derivatives, and compounds.

Read the passage and answer the questions below. (2ms) 

1. Located in Duy Xuyen district, Quang Nam province, about 69km from Da Nang City and 20km from Tra Kieu ancient capital, My Son Sanctuary is the complex of numerous Champa tower-temples in a valley roughly two kilometers wide, surrounded by two mountain ranges. This used to be a site of religious ceremony for kings of the ruling dynasties of Champa, as well as a burial place for Cham royalty and national heroes.

My Son Sanctuary was honored as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites at the 23 session of the World Heritage Committee in 1999. Based on architectural remains, My Son perhaps began construction in 4 century. It i perhaps the longest inhabited archaeological( khảo cổ học) site in Indochina. Although time and wars have turned numerous tower-temples into ruins, sculptural artifacts and architectural remains still reflected golden age of Cham fine arts history. These masterpieces( kiệt tác) have marked flourishing periods of Champa culture and architecture well as in Southeast Asia. 

1. Where is My Son Sanctuary located?


2. How far is it from Da Nang to My Son Sanctuary?


3. When was My Son built?


4. Was My Son recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO?


2.It is necessary that we learn English, which is the international language. Approximately 400 million people spea English as their first language. About the same number use it as a second language. It is an official language in 44 countries. In many others it is the language of business, commerce and technology. The English language enables u to complete our higher education. The students who want to specialize in science, economics, medicine, law...shoul know English, because most of the text-books in these fields are written in English. It also helps us to improve our knowledge when we read newspapers and magazines written in English. In the field of international trade, the English language enables us to transact business with businessmen from other countries. 


1. How many people speak English as their first language?


2. Is English a second language in forty-four countries?


3. How does English help us in education?


4. Why should the students who want to specialize in science, economics, medicine and law know English?


3. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a very famuos building in the city of Pisa, Italy. Construction was startedin 1173  and completed in 1372. It took nearly 200 years to be completed. The tower has eight levels. Different types of ston and marbles were used to build tower. The building isn't straight but leans over one side. The highest side of tower is 56.67 metres and the lowest side is 55.86 metres. Many architects said the tower was in danger of fallings. They suggested straightening it. In 1990  the tower was closed to the public and they started to restore it by removing  some soil under the higher side of the tower. It was reopened to the public again in 2001. The architecture of the tower is very beautiful and it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Italy.

1. How long did it take to construct the Leaning Tower of Pisa?


2. What was used to build this tower?


3. Why did many architects suggest straightening the tower?


4. How did they restore the tower?



Rewrite the sentences, using the word given or do as directed in brackets. 

1. The boy received an award for his excellent studying. He is a friend of mine.

The boy …………………………………………….

2. They require special permits to access Son Doong Cave. (to)

Special permits…………………………………………….

3. Her brother can speak Japanese very well. (in)


4. It's a wasteful way you throw those clothes away.

If I were you,.....……………………………………………. 

5. The musician is Canadian. He wrote this story. ( Use relative pronoun


6. Study harder or you won't pass the coming exam. 

If you.......…………………………………………….

7. Don't eat a lot of sweets or you will have problems with your teeth. 

If …………………………………………….

8. She learned a few words of German last month. (up)


9. I learned a few words of English on holiday. (Rewrite the sentence using "picked")


10. Paul's father is English, and his mother comes from Italy. (bilingual)

I think Paul..…………………………………………….

11. Lan hasn't practised her English for ages. (Rewrite the sentence using "rusty")

Lan's English..........……………………………………………. 

12. We started learning English five years ago.

We have ......……………………………………………. 

13. They work for a company. The company offers ecological tourism.

The company.........……………………………………………. 

14. Have you read the poem? It was composed by Lisa. (Use relative pronoun)


15. They will build more flyovers to reduce traffic in the city. 

More flyovers .....……………………………………………. 

16. These are beautiful flowers. (What)


17.He is tired up so he can't join us.


18.I don't know any French. (Rewrite the sentence using "speak a word")



---THE END---


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Bài Đăng Gần Đây

Đề Thi Tốt Nghiệp THPT Năm 2024
Thầy Thắng ĐỀ THI THPT 15
TOEIC PART 3 Short Conversations (10.06.2024)
Thầy Thắng PART III TOEIC 15


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