Đề Cương Ôn Tập Cuối Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Global Success (09.04.2024)

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Đề Cương Ôn Tập Cuối Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Global Success (09.04.2024)

Đề Cương Ôn Tập Cuối Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Global Success (09.04.2024)

Thầy Thắng



Ngày đăng: 09-04-2024 07:57:30




Trường THPT Thanh Khê, TP Đà Nẵng, 2022 - 2023



I/ Pronunciation:

+ Consonant

+ Stress in three-syllable words

II/ VOCABULARY: vocabulary related to gender equality, international organisations, ways of learning, the environment and ways to protect it, ecotourism


+ passive voice with modals

+ comparative and superlative adjectives

+ relative clauses

+ reported speech

+ conditional sentences Type 1, 2


1. Read and complete the passage

2. Read the text and choose the best option

3. Read the specific information about: gender equality, international organisations, ways of learning, the environment and ways to protect it, ecotourism


1. Listen to a 1-2 minute dialogue/ monologue on related topics and answer True/ False questions.

2. Listen to a conversation/ monologue for 1.5-2 minutes and complete the notes

3. Listen for specific information about: gender equality, international organisations, ways of learning, the environment and ways to protect it, ecotourism


1. Write a paragraph about the benefits off blended learning (120 – 150 wwords)

You can use the following questions as cues.

What do students think about the role of blended learning?

What are the benefits of blended learning?

What should students do if they learn blended?

2. Write a paragraph about the measures for protecting endangered animals (120 – 150 words)

You can use the following questions as cues.

Why do people need to take action to protect endangered animals?

What should the government do to stop poaching?

What can we do to prevent the destruction of natural habitats?

How can we raise funds for animal protection organisations?

3. Write a paragraph about the benefits of online learning (120-150 wwords)

You can use the following questions as cues.

What do students think about the role of online learning?

What are the benefits of online learning?


1.    Talk about what you should or shouldn’t do to became an cotourist. Use the suggested ideas below.

Travel more on foot or by bike

Buy products mode from animal body parts when buying souvenirs

Use food and products with lots of packaging

Leave air-conditioners on when leaving hotel rooms

Take showers, instead of boths

Buy local products

Respect local cultures

(add your own ideas)

2.    Talk about ways to save endangered animals. You can use the suggested ideas below.

Educating people about the importance of wildlife

Introducing strict lows to prevent people from illeagalhunting

Banning wildlife trade

Avoiding products made from endangered animal parts.

3.    Talk about an international organization that you know. You should say:

What the organization is

What its main aims and activities are

Whether it does anything to help Vietnamese/ what it does to help Vietnamese and whether you would like to work for this organization.

4.    Talk about why girls shouldn’t get married before the age of 18, using some of the ideasin the box. You can start the talk with the given sentences.

Become victims of domestic violence

Face serious health risks: Young girls are not physically developed to give birth

Leave school early; not get enough education

Have no good job skills to earn good salaries


I think girls shouldn’t get married before the age of 18 for a number of reasons. Firstly, …



Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that fiffers from the other three in the position of the following questions.

1. A. expensive       B. different        C. personal           D. general

2. A. delicious         B. encourage    C. excited              D. digital

3. A. practical          B. official           C. successful        D. surprising

4. A. energy            B. influence       C. animal               D. employment

5. A. pollution          B. depletion       C. property            D. confusion

6. A. advantage       B. editor             C. solution           D. pollutant

7. A. traditional        B. communicate C. economic         D. intelligence

8. A. organisation    B. participation   C. responsibility    D. international

Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. contaminate     B. natural          C. damage            D. area

2. A. hate                  B. mate            C. cake                 D. manage

3. A. contaminate      B. deforest       C. pollute               D. protect

4. A. pesticide           B. impact          C. focus                 D. practical

5. A. country              B. contrast           C. culture            D. ceremony

6. A. throw                B. though              C. thick                D. thought

7. A. content             B. electricity          C. species           D. sentence

Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

1. Personal _____ devices are useful for learning

A.   electric               B. electrical         C. electronic      D. electronical

2. I really don’t ___ the point of taking the exam when you are not ready for it.

A.   take                    B. have               C.mind              D. see (see the point)

3. Gender equality is also a part of the ___ to the challenges facing society.

A.   solution              B. solute              C. solves           D. solve

4. The __ of women in the labour market in Iceland is one of the highest in the world.

A.   participate         B. participating       C. participation   D. participated

5. UNICEF is now ___ schools and families with educational supplies to help lower costs.

A.   providing          B. improving           C. contributing      D. making

6. Women are more likely to be victims of ___ violence

A.   domestic          B. household       C. home              D. family

7. Superstitions ___ an important part in the lives of many people in the Viet Nam.

A.   take                  B. act                 C. occupy               D. play

8. ______ of domestic violence mostly will lack confidence in the future.

A.   Surgeons         B. Victims           C. Secretaries          D. Parachutists

9. Some students admit that face-to-face learning is better because they can focus more on lessons without ____.

A.   efforts               B. distractions      C. consequences     D. operations

10. ____ learning is the advantageous combination of in-person learning and online learning tools.

A.   Face-to-face      B. Blended          C. Remote              D. Disrance

11. Reducing gender ___ improves productivity and economic growth of a nation.

A.   possibility            B. rights             C. equality               D. inequality

12. To save the environment, we should cut down ____ plastic use.

A.   on                    B. off                     C. at                       D. from

13. To save endangered animals, wildlife trade has to be ____ completely.

A.   banned             B. promoted           C. developed          D. punished

14. We should do more to reduce the ____ effects of tourism on the environment.

A.   negative           B. positive             C. endangered        D. natural

15. Ecotourists respect the local ___ by following the customs and traditions of the places they visit.

A.   businesses       B. cultures             C. education            D. environment

16. Thousands of acres of forest are being cut down every year and the ____ of many animals are being destroyed.

A.natural resources B. natural habitats   C. ways of life   D. living surroundings

17. There are lots of things we can do all do to __ the environment.

A. enhance           B. protect                C. make            D. build

18. Most of the air pollution results ___ the burning of fossil fuels, motor vehicles, factories, aircraft and rockets.

A. in                       B. to                      C. on               D. from

19. UNICEF says that __ to education is one of the biggest challenges facing children in Yemen today, especially girls.

A. access                   B. get                  C. connect       D. search

20. In Australia, on Mother’s Day, the second Sunday in May, children prepare and __ their mothers “breakfast in bed”.

A. cook                  B. serve               C. display           D. present

21.  On the web you can read __ newspapers or magazines; you can watch videos, download music or buy anything.

A. virtual              B. online               C. digital             D. offline

22. We get the energy we require for our everyday needs from many sources, but not all of them are ___.

A. ecological       B. economic            C. unharmed      D. eco-friendly.

23. Burning garbage __ dangerous gases to the environment, and this may lead to global warming.

A. emits              B. throws                 C. sends             D. rejects

24. During the last hundred years we have done great __ to the environment.

A. injury              B. pollution             C. damage            D. hurt

25. The gradual rise in the Earth’s temperature is known as _____.

A. greenhouse effect        B. global warming     C. ozone layer    D. acid rain

Exercise 4: Rewrite the following sentences as requested without changing the meaning.

1. Ann can’t use her office at the moment.

-> Her office _________________________.

2. I have to finish my work now.

->  My work _________________________.

3. Governments should offer poor women more help.

->  Poor women should _________________________.

4. We must do something before it’s too late.

->  Something must _________________________.

5. The Vietnamese government will make more progress in gender equality.

->  More progress will _________________________.

6. They should give men and women equal pay for equal work.

->  Men and women should _________________________.

7. The film I saw last week was better than this one. (good)

->  This film ________________ the one I saw last week.

8. Kate used to be better paid than she is these days (as)

->  These days Kate is ___________ she used to be.

9. There are very few buildings in the city higher than this. (good)

->  This is _________________________ buildings in the city.

10. I can’t believe this is the best room there is. (better)

->  There must _________________________ this one.

11. Electronic devices are bad for your eyes. Their radiation is very harmful. (whose)

->  Electronic devices ______________________________.

12. They may feel sad and bad about themselves. This might affect their performance at school. (which)

->  They may ________________________________.

13. Mary was staying with her friend. He has a big house in Scotland. (who)

->  _____________________________________.

14. That bike was too expensive. He wanted to buy it.

->  ______________________________________.

15. The girl looked very upset. Her electronic dictionary broke down.

->  The girl _____________________________.

16. His grandmother had a great influence on his life. She was a hard-working women.

->  His grandmother ________________________________.

17. He said “I have already read this book”.

->  He said ____________________________________.

18. Tom said to his sister “I want to buy a gift for our mother”.

->  Tom ______________________________________.

19. Mrs Brown said to Peter “Where are you living?”

->  Mrs Brown asked _______________________________.

20. “Do you know the girl over there?” Tom said.

->  Tom asked ________________________________.

21. Mother said “Nam, why don’t you go to bed?’’

->  Mother _____________________________________.

22. Nam said “The environment is severely affected by pollution.”

->  Nam said _______________________________.

23. Mai said “The burning of fossil fuels leads to air pollution.”

->  Mai said _________________________________.

24. “We are discussing the protection of the natural environment” the students told their teacher.

->  The students told their teacher ____________________________.

25. Phong doesn’t have enough money so he can’t travel abroad.

->  If ________________________________.

26. Tom doesn’t have a passport. He can’t travel abroad.

->  If _________________________________.

27. There are so many tourists visiting the national parks. The environment there is badly damaged.

->  If there _____________________________.

28. Tourists throw litter in the river. The water is polluted.

->  If ____________________________________.

29. I want to go on an eco-tour to Phu Quoc National park. The environment there is badly damaged.

->  If _________________________________.

30. Hoa’s got so much homework that she can’t go out with her friends tonight.

->  If __________________________________.

Exercise 5: Put the verb in the brackets into the correct form.

1. If you come with me, I __________ (do) the shopping with you.

2. Tom _______ (help) his mother in the garden if she reads him a story this evening.

3. If it ________ (rain), I will stay at home.

4. Our teacher will be happy if we ______ (learn) the letter by heart.

5. If they had enough money, they ____________ (buy) a new house.

6. They _________ (pass) the exam if they studied harder.

7. If Nick _________ (repair) his bike, he could go on a bicycle tour with us.

8. She would get 50 pounds if she ___ (sell) this old computer.

9. If I were you, I ________ (invite) John to the party.

10. If the weather ___ (be) fine, the children can walk to school.

11.  A child (mustn’t / give) ________ everything he or she wants.

12. Efforts (should / make) __________ to offer all children equal access to education.

13. The afternoon meeting (must / postpone) ____ because three of five commitee members are unable to attend.

14.  Children (shouldn’t / allow) to play violent video games.

Exercise 6: Fill in the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. This chair is ____ than the old one. (comfortable)

2. Trains are ______ than planes. (slow)

3. In this classroom there are ____ girls than boys. (many)

4. Ann is the __________ child in the family. (young)

5. That TV set is the _______ of all. (cheap)

6. This place is ______ than that one. (safe)

7. Lisa is the _____________ than Kate. (pretty)

8. This is the ___________ film I have ever seen. (exciting)

9. Tom is ______ than Peter. (talented)

Exercise 7: Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined words that need correction.

1. You (A) needn’t forget (B) to buy some (C) vegetables when (D) going home this evening.

2. We have (A) enough food (B) at home, so we (C) mustn’t go (D) shopping today.

3. (A) Some people think that there (B) is still gender (C) discriminate (D) in our country.

4. These (A) pills must not (B) take if you (C) are (D) under 12 years old.

5. (A) If someone (B) came into the store, (C) smile and say, (D) “May I help you?”

6. (A) If you (B) try these cosmetics, you (C) look five years (D) younger.

7. I (A) will come to meet Mr. Pike and tell him (B) about your problems (C) if you (D) didn’t solve them yourself.

8. Sam (A) will not graduate (B) unless he (C) doesn’t pass all (D) the tests.

9. (A) Unless you (B) pour oil (C) on water, it (D) will float.

10. (A)If anyone (B) will phone, (C) tell them (D) I’ll be back at 11:00.

Exercise 8: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

The UN Millennium Development Goals (1) ____ specific targets to reduce poverty, including targets for increased gender (2) ____ in education, work, and representation. UN Women found that progress was uneven. Globally, more women are now in school and work. Yet girls are still (3) ____ likely than boys to be out of school (particularly at the secondary level). And although the number (4) ___ women in elected office has risen, they are still only 21,8 percent of parliamentarians. What’s more, women’s rights remain at risk in many areas not addressed in the millennium goals – from violence against women to sexual and reproductive rights. And women (5) ____ are already marginalized because of their race, caste, sexuality, income, or location see the fewest gains of all.

1. A. set              B. help                   C. provide         D. establish

2. A. equal          B. equalication       C. equality        D. equability

3. A. much          B. as                       C. by                D. more

4. A. on               B. of                        C. with             D. at

5. A. whom          B. who                   C. whose          D. which

Exercise 9: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Some Russian women became well-known fighter pilots during the Second World War. Yekaterina Budanova was one of them. She joined the Soviet Army and became a fighter pilots after working as a non-military pilot. At first, Budanova’s officer didn’t believe in her ability. But in the short time, Budanova became famous against German planes although she already shot down one plane and hit a second before being shot down herself.

Interested in flying at an early age, Lydia Litvyak joined a flying club and performed her first solo flight at the age of 15. She became a fight instructor after graduating from the military flying school. After the German attack on the Soviet Union in 1941, Litvyak joined the Soviet Air Force and soon achieved great success. Like Budanova, she was killed (at the age of 21) in fighting against German planes. And along with Yekaterina Budanova, Lydia Litvyak is often considered one of the world’s most famous female fighter pilots.

1. Which of the following best serves as the title of the text?

A.   Fighting the Germans

B.   Woman during the Second World War

C.   Russian pilots

D.   Female Fighter Pilot Who Made History

2. The word “them” in paragraph 1 refers to _______________.

A.   women      B. some Russian women  C. fighter pilots  D. pilots

3. Litvyak became a fighter pilot in the Soviet Air Force _____________.

A.   When she achieved great success

B.   When the Soviet Union attacked Germany in war

C.   After the Soviet Union attacked Germany in 1941

D.   After the Germans attacked her country in 1941

4. Lydia Litvyak joined a flying club and performed her first solo flight ____.

A.   at the age of 15 B. at the age of 16 C. at the age of 14 D. at the age of 26

5. Which of the following is NOT true about Budanova and Litvyak, according to the text?

A.   They are considered two of the world’s most famous female fighter pilots.

B.   They died in their twenties.

C.   They died when the Second World War was over

D.   They were talented and successful female fighter pilots in the Soviet Air Force.




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