Đề Cương Ôn Tập Cuối Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Global Success (09.04.2024)

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Đề Cương Ôn Tập Cuối Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Global Success (09.04.2024)

Đề Cương Ôn Tập Cuối Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Global Success (09.04.2024)

Thầy Thắng



Ngày đăng: 09-04-2024 08:49:00




Trường THPT Khai Trí, TP Đà Nẵng, 2022 - 2023


I/Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

1. A. laugh             B. pause              C. cause                 D. sauce

2. A. global          B. greenhouse          C. energy           D. underground

3. A. coal               B. load                    C. roar                 D. road

4. A. impact            B. influence            C. negative            D. scientist

5. A. favourite         B. family               C. language            D. activity

6. A. radio                B. those                C. process            D. professor

7. A. wheat             B. heat                   C. heavily                D. lead

8. A. good                B. flood                  C. foot                  D. food

9. A. affected          B. worked              C. suggested         D. decided

10. A. been              B. seen                C. keen                  D. beer

II/ Find the word whose main stress is different from the others.

1. A. documentary        B. personality         C. potentially        D. limitation

2. A. suitable             B. physical         C. fantastic                 D. popular

3. A. promote               B. allow             C. system               D. agree

4. A. continue            B. satisfy          C. generate         D. recognize

 5. A. flexibility            B. gravitation         C. traditional        D. inactivity

6. A. wonder           B. kangaroo         C. periodical          D. population

7. A, dictionary        B. umbrella          C. computer        D. community

8. A. addition         B. remember            C. different        D. supposing

9. A. appointment     B. strawberry      C. powerful         D. cucumber

10. A report             B. orbit                 C. promise           D. schedule

III Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence or replace the underlined word.

1. Since the appearance of electronic devices, lessons have become more and more _______ and effective.

A. enjoyable       B. disruptive         C. accessible       D. inappropriate

2. We get the energy we require for our everyday needs from many sources, but not all of them are______

A eco-friendly            B. ecological          C. unharmed        D. economic

3. Do you think there would be less conflict the world if all people ______  the same language

A. spoke              B. speak            C. had spoken          D. has spoke

4. The London Underground is _________ metro system in the world.

A. second largest          B. the largest second  

C. second the largest    D. the second largest

5. _______ will lead to the extinction of rare animals due to the loss of their habitats, and extreme floods and land erosion.

A. Deforestation      B. Conservation     C. Depletion        D. Protection

6. In Nepal, child marriage and _________ to school have prevented girls from reaching their full potential.

A. access           B. lack of access          C. lack          D. access lack

7. The Vietnamese government has done a lot to ______  hunger and poverty.

A. discriminate            B. contaminate         C. eliminate      D. preserve

8. He_______that he_______enough time to finish the job.

A said- wouldn't have        B. told-wouldn't have

C. said won't have              D. told-won't have

9. Global warming has had negative impact_______our environment.

A. in       B. of     C.on       D. with

10. Air pollution is such a serious_____that it has been a direct factor in the _______of millions of people each year.

A. threat - deaths      B threat - death    C. threaten-death    D. threaten-deaths

11. To _______is to keep and protect something from damage, change or waste.

A. pollute    B preserve    C. damage    D. deplete

12: If it_____important, they_______ for him everywhere.

A. won't be- won't be looking        B. isn't-looked

C. weren't-wouldn't be looking      D. wasn't-would look

13: In the age of technology, you can________ advantage of new applications which are very useful for learning English.

A. make       B take     C. get     D. have

14. International Women's Day is an occasion to make more _______towards achieving gender equality.

A. progress     B. movement    C. development    D. improvement

15. Drinking water in this area is highly____ by waste

 A. pollution     B. pollutant     C. polluted     D. pollute

16. E-books are typically______through a student's personal device, such as a notebook,tablet or cellphone.

A. identified     B. affected    C.accessed    D. addressed

17. Gender differences cannot prevent a person______pursuing a job.

A. from      B. of    C. on     D, with

18. In Australia, men and women will be given an equal______to contribute both at home and in the workplace.

A. chance    B. luck    C. risk    D. pay

19. Going by bus is cheap, but the taxi is______

A. more comfortable than          B. more comfortable 

C. most comfortable                  D. the most comfortable

20. She ________very thankful if you______her with the gardening.

A. will be -helped               B. would be -don't help

C. would be- could help     D. isn't- should help

21. The campaign _______things like water bottles and aluminum cans into new, useful objects like park benches bikes, etc.

A. turns       B. comes     C. becomes    D.recycles

22. People from ______cultures bring language skills, new ways of thinking, and creative solutions to difficult

A. diversity      B. diversify    C.diverse    D. diversify

23.Students can also use word processing applications to______ their vocabulary.

A.make      B.store     C.spend      D.improve

24. My dress is_____my school uniform, but my shorts are______  

A. nicest - the cheaper          B. nicer than- the cheapest

C. nicer - the cheapest          D. nicer than -cheaper

25. The areas are very_______for tourists who love to study and discover.

A.aware     B suitable    C. available    D. successful

IV/Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

1. The system is based on administrative convenience rather than public benefit

A. advantage    B. loss    C.cost     D.harm

2. Some of the waste material can be reworked for reuse.

A.redone     B.recall     C. renewed     D. preserved

3. The need to recycle water and other materials is obvious.

A.doubtful   B.hidden  C.apparent  D. ambiguous

4.hotel prices in the major cities are high but not prohibitive.

A.reasonable      B.cheap     C.expensive     D. high

5. Expertise in this field is very thinly spread across the country.

A, ignorance      B.savvy    C.incompetence    D.inability

6. The WTO organises trade negotiations and settles trade disputes.

A. debate     B. agreement    C.compliance    D.peace

V.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions

1. The islands' economy is largely dependent on tourism.

A weak      B. helpless    C. free     D. reliant

2. We will run out of money part way through the financial year.

A.exhaust     B.fill     C. desolate    D. vacuum

3. Several outbreaks of infection have been traced to contaminated food.

A.clean      B. dirty    C. polluted    D. poisonous

4.should keep away from the radioactive waste.

A.get along               B. keep in touch with

C. put up with            D. stay close to

5.The two head of state issued a join statement

A. separated       B.connected      C. combined      D. cooperative

6. The health risk from drinking unclean water is considerable.

A. major      B. plentiful     C.insignificant      D. abundant

VI/Read the following passage and choose the correct option to fill in the gaps.

Years ago, in their private family role, women quite often dominate the male members of the household. Women were quite (1)______ to their families. However, the public role of women has changed dramatically since the beginning of World War II. During the war, men were away from home to the battle. As a result, women were in complete control of the home. They found themselves doing double and sometimes triple (2)______. They began to take over the work of their absent husbands and to work outside. They accounted for 73% of the industrial labor force. Women were forced by economic realities to work in the factories. The women who worked there were paid low wages, lived in crowded and small dormitories. (3)____, they found themselves a place as active members of society. Women, although they were ruthlessly exploited, became the key to the country's success. The feminist movement seems to have been an important part in the demands (4)____ Women Equal Rights. The movement tends to have a way of changing men and women and their roles in society. It often redefines the role of women in society. Inventions, too,bring progress in society as (5)___ as to the individual's life. In the late nineteenth century the invention of the typewriter gave women a new skill and a. job outside the home. The Suffragettes in the a symbol for most women to be engaged in equality.

1: A. fascinated     B. worried     C. dedicated    D. interested

2: A. duty       B. job         C. requirement          D. career

3: A. Because          B. Therefore         C. However         D. So

4: A. for      B. in        C. with          D. against

5: A. much       B. long      C. soon     D.well


      World Environment Day which is (1)_____on 5th June every year in an important day in the calendar of the United Nations. It is one of the ways the United Nations uses to advocate for the environmental (2)_____ and call for political action.

       Every year, UNEP (the Environment Program of the United Nations) develops a theme which is used globally to raise_____ (3) and call for support from governments, organizations, and individuals from all over the world. 

The theme for 2015 was "Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care". This would also serve as the slogan for the World Environmental Day 2015. The meeting of this theme and slogan is that we have five continets with more than seven billion people combined. Although we have about 7 billion people, we just have one planet that we live and survive. The surface area is limited, shelter and food also limited. If we continue using the available natural (4)_____ as we do today, our future generations may be forced to go hungry and without homes. This is why it is of vital importance to consume (5)____ food that is available with care. Stop the wastage and use whatever resource that is available according to need, not greed.

1. A. found      B. acted    C. held    D. celebrated

2. A. experience     B. protection    C. decrease    D. pollution 

3. A. feature    B. activity    C. ability    D.awareness

4. A. sources     B. resources    C. balances    D. increase

5.A which     B. whatever    C. who     D.. what


       What is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and what is its purpose? The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a multilateral organization which was (1)_____ to give Southeast Asian states a forum to communicate (2)_____ each other. Since the region had a long colonial past and a history of endemic warfare, there has never been much peaceful and constructive interaction between kings, presidents and other officials. A neutral forum was, therefore, a very useful development for all of those countries.

ASEAN was formed as a result of the Bangkok Declaration of 1967 and initially had five (3)______: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia,(4)______ Philippines and Singapore. Brunei subsequently joined in 1984 after it had won independence from Britain. Vietnam became the seventh member of the group,(5)_____joining in 1995.

1: A created     B. made     C. done     D. discovered

2: A. in     B. on    C. for     D. with

3: A. organizations    B. activities    C. companies    D. members

4: A. a    B. an    C, the    D. Ø

5: A. office    B. officially    C. official    D. officer


There are many ways to learn English. With the increase in new technology, many companies are now providing new electronic (1)_____ to help people learn English more quickly.

You can (2)_____ the lessons from an English translation Internet site and put them on your iPod. Because it is portable, you can listen and learn anywhere.

English audio tapes and English audio CDs are a (3)____ method of learning English. All you need is a cassette or CD player.You can learn in many locations including your car.

An electric translator or (4)_____ dictionary is an excellent tool one can use when traveling on a vacation, on a business trip, studying languages, conversing with foreign people, and in a variety of other situations. Many devices have a number of attributes that include advanced text-to-speech and voice recognition technologies.

Choosing an electronic device that helps you learn English has made learning and speaking English easier. faster, and more enjoyable. Before you purchase a device, make sure you research each product to find the English  learning tool that (5)____ your lifestyle.

1. A. asks    B. ceremonies    C. requests    D. devices

2. A. bride    B. regulations    C. download    D. notes

3. A. condition    B. great   C. relation    D. wealth

4. A. bad   B. electronic   C. luck   D. interest

5. A. troubles   B. problems    C. ovals    D. complements


VII/Rewrite each of the sentences so that it is closest in meaning to the original one or do as directed.

Question 1: There is no better teacher in this school than Mrs. Jackson.

Mrs. Jackson is …………………………….

Question 2: They would sell the tickets online and offline where applicable. 

→ The tickets...............................

Question 3: If she doesn't water these trees, they will die. 


Question 4: The man went to the police station. His car was stolen. 

→ The man whose……………………………..

Question 5: The man is a famous actor. You met him at the party last night. 

→The man whom …………………………

Question 6: Ann said "I'm looking for my English student's book" 

→Ann said that ................................................

Question 7: Tom said: "I'm going to visit my grandmother tomorrow."

Tom said that…………………….

Question 8: She isn't tall, so she can't wear in different styles.


Question 9: Smoking is not allowed in the hospital. 

=>We ……………………..

Question 10: They must fill in customer ID and cellular phone numbers.

→ Customer ID ……………………

Question 11: The Government is introducing the strict laws to ban illegal hunting 

→ The strict……………………………..

Question 12: She has a closest friend. His mum is a well-known teacher. (whose) 

→ ……………………………….

Question 13: "What are you going to do on your next summer holiday?", Mary said to her boy friends (asked) 


Question 14: Sarah said to her dad" I've lost the key of this drawer

→ …………………………..

Question 15. "Are you going to swim this weekend?" Timmy said.

→ Timmy asked .........................

Question 16: You are so tired because you don't go to bed earlier.

→ If ……………………….

Question 17: Mr. Jackson is a teacher. He is our favourite.

→ Mr. Jackson ……………………

Question 18: "How long will you stay here this summer?", Sarah asked.

→ Sarah ………………….

Question 19: No international medical organisation is as big as WHO. (superlative)

→ WHO is ……………………..

Question 20: There are no others fridge cheaper than this. (use comparative or superlative)

→ This ………………………

Question 21: No cars in the world are more expensive than Japanese ones. (most) 

Japanese cars .........………………………

Question 22: "Are you going to the cinema?", he asked me.

He asked…………………….

Question 23: "Has Carol talked to Kevin?", my friend asked me. 

My friend …………………….

Question 24: "Will you be at the party tomorrow?", he asked me.

He asked me……………….. 

Question 25: "Did you see my new car yesterday?", Kevin asked me. 

Kevin asked me…………………




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