Đề Cương Ôn Tập Giữa Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Global Success 28.02.2024

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Đề Cương Ôn Tập Giữa Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Global Success 28.02.2024

Đề Cương Ôn Tập Giữa Học Kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Global Success 28.02.2024

Thầy Thắng



Ngày đăng: 28-02-2024 02:59:37




Trường THPT Liên Chiểu, TP Đà Nẵng, 2022 - 2023


I.Ngữ âm: Ôn tập các phân ngũ âm Unil 6,7,8 

II. Từ vựng: Ôn tập từ vựng Unit 6, 7, 8

III. Đọc hiểu. Ôn các bài dọc theo chủ điểm Uni 6, 7, 8 

IV. Ngữ pháp: Ôn tập các ngữ pháp sau:

1. Passive voice with modals

2. Comparative and superlative adjectives 

3. Realtive clasuses; Defining and non-defining relative clauses

V. Nghe: nghe các nội dung lần từ Unit 6, 7, 8 và các bài nghe có cùng chủ điểm

VI. Viết: Viết các nội dung bài từ Unit 6,7,8 

VII. Nói: nói các nội dung bài từ Unit 6, 7, 8

VIII. Bài tập


Listen to the recording about a student who miss a class and decide if the statements are True (T) or Fulse (F). You will hear the recording twice.




1. Diana can't come to class next Tuesday because she has a doctor's appointment


2. Diana needs to read chapters 17, 18, 19 and 20 in the book at home. 


3. The deadline for homework is this Friday,


4. Diana has to do practice test to prepare for the final test


5. Teacher can send Diana the practice test by email on Wednesday



Listen to the recording about the UN and choose the correct answer to each question below. You will hear the recording twice.

1.When was the UN established?

A 1925       B. 1935      C. 1945      D 1958

2. Where was the UN established? 

A. Paris     B. California    C. Melbourne    D. Scoul

3 What was not mentioned as one of the world situation when the UN were established?

A World War II ended.        B. Millions of people died.

C. Destructions were found everywhere.    D. Many people became homeless

4. How many main goals were set by the UN?

A.4       B. 5     C.6      D.7

5. How do all members promise to solve international problems? 

A in an aggressive way    B. in a passive way 

C. in an equal way            D. in a peaceful way


I. Choose the word in each group that has the stress pronounced differently from the rest.

Question 1: A.career      B. gender        C. equal       D. patient

Question 2: A. promote      B. mental        C.control     D. accept

Question 3: A. technical    B. vaccinate   C. parachute    D. investor

Question 4: A. commit     B. enter     C. expert    D. welcome

Question 5: A. digital     B. personal    C.excellent    D. effective

II. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

Question 1: A. flow      B. modern     C. project       D. online

Question 2: A. distract     B. tablet     C. strategy     D. exchange

Question 3: A. regional     B. gender    C. surgeon    D. singular

Question 4: A. trade      B. quality    C. patient     D. danger

Question 5: A. women      B. operate     C. officer    D. response

III. Choose the letter to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in the following question.

Question 1: Many countries now allow and encourage women to join the army and the police forces.

A. permit        B. force       C. make     D. prevent

Question 2: We should encourage women to join more social activities.

A. prevent      B. stimulate       C. permit     D. forbid

Question 3: Young people are taught essential skills for the job market

A completely satisfied       B. completely delighted     

C. completely new            D. completely necessary

Question 4: Personal electronic devices which distract students from their classwork are banned in most school 

A. forbid      B. prohibit     C. neglect     D. divert

Question 5: UNICEF set up an office in 1975 in Viet Nam.

A. established      B. widened      C. promoted     D. instructed

IV. Choose the letter to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in the following question.

Question 1: Many teachers use very traditional methods of teaching at school.

A modern    B.old      C.usual      D. habitual

Question 2: The aim of the programme is to better prepare children for the challenges in the future

A. difficult tasks      B. easy tasks     C. new tasks     D. interesting tasks

Question 3: Medical experts are predicting a massive rise in obesity-related illnesses

A professors     B. specialists    C. acquaintances    D. novices

Question 4: Half of the world's uneducated people are women.

A. untutored       B. ignorant       C. literate    D. unschooled

Question 5: Snidents and clicars can download the softere free of charge

A. transfer    B. move    C. copy    D. upload

V. Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 1: Viet Nam is a member of many international_______

A. businesses    B. communities    C programmes    D. organisations

Question 2: UNICEF has helped many______ teenagers continue their education by offering them job training

A. active    B. advantaged     C. disadvantaged    D. talented

Question 3: Viet Nam has participated______ many UN activities including peacekeeping since 1977.

A. in   B.on   C for    D. with

Question 4: UNICEF's aim in Viet Nam is to protect children and_____ they are healthy, educated and safe from harm.

A. make sure    B. do sure      C. give sure    D. show sure

Question 5: The WTO is the world's largest international______ organisation.

A. economy     B. economic     C, economical     D. economist

Question 6: Joining the WTO has helped Viet Nam_____ its economic growth.

A. provide     B. promote    C. prevent    D. predict

Question 7: _____ learning combines online videos with traditional classroom methods.

A. Face-to-face      B. Online      C. Blended     D. indirect

Question 8: Modern schools are designed to help each student to be_____ 

A. succeed    B. success     C. successful     D. successfully

Question 9: Teachers_____ the role of a guide for them and prepare students for lifelong learning 

A.put     B. Play       C. do     D. make

Question 10: Students are expected to______ discussions and express personal opinions

A. take part in     B. get on with    C. put up with    D. catch up with

VI. Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 1: The______ accident in the history of the city occurred last night on the Freeway.

A. badest    B. most bad    C. worse      D. worst.

Question 2: Before doing something important, Vietnamese people always try to choose______ time for it

A. better   B. less good   C. the least good    D. the best

Question 3: Mary speaks English very_____ 

A. fluent    B. fluently    C. more fluently    D. most fluently

Question 4: Mr. Brown has created a list of the most useful apps for the classroom, ______ is available on his blog. 

A. that    B. which    C. who     D. whose

Question 5: Many teachers have worked to chance their traditional classrooms into an environment______ students can use the latest technology for their learning process.

A. whose      B. who     C. where     D. that

Question 6: My youngest son,______ may be quiet or shy in a classroom, may become active in a social learning situation made possible by digital devices. 

A. that             B. who               C. whose            D. whom

Question 7: Mr. Forbes teaches a class for students _______ native language is not English

A. which              B. who               C. whose           D. those who

Question 8: We need to improve the quality of goods and services so that they can_______new markets

A. enter               B. entering                      C. to enter               D. enters

Question 9: Women should ________ the same salaries as men for doing the same jobs.

A. have given                B. be given                 C. to give         D. give

Question 10: Women working in jobs traditionally done by men still_________big challenges 

A. to face                 B. face               C. will face                     D. faced 

VII. WORD FORM: Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each of the following sentences.

1 Doing chores together helps_________family bonds, creating special moments between children and parents. (strength)

2 We'll organise more activities to raise local people's__________of environmental issues (aware)

3. This prevents pollution because it reduces the need to collect new raw materials and protects________resources. (nature)

4. Sharing housework helps young people learn to take____________


5. He has a nice voice, and he is a talented ____________(music)

6. The _______ in this programme are ordinary people whom the audience can really identify with (participate)

7. Hope your application is________and you emoy the work (success)

8 I am_________I community development activities (excite)

9. I can start my work______________________(immediate)

10. It's actually a lot of fun to learn with____________apps. (education)

VIII. VERB FORM: Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each of the following sentences.

1. My mum usually does the cooking, but she (work)_____________ late today.

2. Anna (clean)__________the house twice a week.

3. Look at the dark clouds. It (rain)______________ soon.

4.I think our team (win) ____________the competition 

5. His parents won't let him (watch)____________such TV shows

6 Due to the bad weather, the band decided (delay) _________their live concert.

7. Henry (go) _________fishing with his father last weekend.

8 She (cook)__________in the kitchen at 7 pm.last night.

9 They (live)___________here for 5 years.

10. Many children enjoy (use)__________modern devices nowadays.


Read the text and choose the best answers.

  The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) was (1)_______in 1945. It is an expert (2)_______of the United Nations. It aims (3)_________ world peace and security through international cooperation in education, the sciences and culture. UNESCO supports projects that (4) ___________education quality, develop both natural and (5) ___________ sciences, protect independent media and freedom of press In addition. It helps protect regional and cultural history UNESCO alms to help countries promote their history, traditions, buildings and places of cultural and natural importance

1. A. formed       B found             C. joined           D. promoted

2. A company      B. organisation       C.group                D branch

3. A. to commit     B. to promise          C. to promote        D. to respect

4 A approve          B. aim                   C. achieve              D. improve

5. A. social          B. society              C. sociable          D. sensible

         In 1945, representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco at the United Nations Conference on (1)____________Organisation to approve the United Nations Charter The United Nations (UN) was established on 24 October 1945 by 51 countries who agreed to (2) ________peace through international cooperation and shared mutual security. Today, about 190 nations in the world belong to the UN.

         All UN Member States are represented in the General Assembly - a group of nations, which (3)_______to discuss the world's most urgent problems. Each Member State has one vote, Decisions on important matters such as international peace and (4)__________new member admissions, the UN budget and the budget for peacekeeping, are decided by two-thirds majority. Other matters are decided by simple majority

The Assembly holds its annual regular meetings from September to December. When necessary, in hold a special or emergency meeting on subjects of (5) ________ concern.

1. A. National                 B. Regional            C International        D Local

2. A. set                         B. fight                       C. protect             D. keep 

3. A meets                B.  holds           C. organises           D. discusses

4 A safety                B. security            C certainty              D. proteccion

5. A specific            B. special              C particular             D detailed

Read the text and choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

       Etalk is a company that makes learning software in England. Their Onebillion project has recently become popular, especially since their maths learning app was able to improve children's maths knowledge in Malawi in just eight weeks

         "Onebilion" gets its name from "the aim of reaching one billion children. This is almost the number of children who don't have the chance to go to school, according to the founder of Etalk. Primary education was not free in Malawi until 1994, and the sudden increase in student registration has put much pressure on the country's education system. There are many great benefits of educating children in developing countries. For example, women tend to have fewer and healthier kids, and have more chance to become part of the economy if they learn the basic skills right at primary level. In Malawi, a girl has more than 5 children on average, and it doesn't continue now

        In the Onebillion project, children are divided into groups of 25 or even 50. They are then taken to a special classroom called Oneclass where they spend half an hour every other day with the device. Each day ten or twelve children can use one tablet. An international volunteer contrals the Oneclass and there is an online teacher who guides the children through the app. Participating in Oneclass all children can learn at their own pace and make good progress in their study. 

1. The project of Etalk has helped children in Malawi make an improvement in______.

A. language                         B maths                        C software

2 "Onebillion" gets its names from the number of children_________

A who have participated in the project up to now

B. who are currently participating in the project

C that the project expects to participate

3. There is a lot of pressure on the education system in Malawi because of_____

A fewer teachers                B. the lack of teaching resources 

C.the increase in student numbers

4. The children in Oneclass________.

A study in their normal classroom        B. work for 30 minutes every day 

C. are guided by an online teacher

5. This learning app gives children in Malawi an opportunity to ________.

A manage their study time                   B. speed up the learning process

C. meet an online teacher

Read the text and choose the best answers

          Some Russian women became well-known fighter pilots during the Second World War. Yekaterina Bodanova was one of them. She joined the Soviet Army and became a lighter pilot after working as a non-military pilot At first, Budanova's officer didn't believe in her ability. But in a short time Budanova became famous for her talent and remarkable flying skills. Unfortunately, she died at the age of 26 in air-to-air fighting against German planes although she already shot down one plane and hit a second before being shot down herself

         Interested in flying at an early age, Lydia Ultvyak joined a flying club and performed her first solo flight at the age of 15. She became a flight instructor after graduating from the military flying school. After the German attack on the Soviet Union in 1941, Utvyak joined the Soviet Air Force and soon achieved great success. Like Budanova, she was killed (at the age of 21) in fighting against German planes And along with Yekaterina Budanova Lydia Utvyak is often considered one of the world's most famous female fighter pilots.

1.Which of the following best serves as the title of the text?

A Fighting the Germans      

B. Women during the Second World War

C. Russian Female Fighter Pilots    

D. Female Fighter Pilots Who Made History

2 The word "them" in paragraph 1 refers to

A women   B. Russian women   C. fighter pilots  D. well-known fighter pilots

3. What did Budanova do before she become a fighter pilot?

A She was a Russian officer      B. She worked at a flying club

C. She worked as a non-military pilot    D. She shot down German planes.

4. The word ‘solo’ in paragraph 2 means________.

A done by one person alone   B. done by more than one person

C. successful                           D. single

5. Litvyak became a fighter pilot in the Soviet Air Force_______.

A. when she achieved great success 

B, when the Soviet Union joined the war 

C. after the Soviet Union attacked Germany in 1941

D. after the Germans attacked her country in 1941


I. Complete the following sentences, using a suitable relative pronoun

1 Anna,_________colleagues were waiting for him there, was plauting to go to the conference

2. This is the machine __________cost half a million pounds .

3. Bill Gates,________is the president of Microsoft Company is a billionaire

4. Anna is a friend____________I stayed with in Australia

5. The pamlings___________ Mr. Flowers has in his house are worth around  100000$

II.Give the correct forms of words in brackets

1. The centre offers activities for everyone, whatever your age or _________condition.(physic)

2 Doctors performed an emergency______________for appendicitis last night (operate)

3 Only 11% of the highly educated women disapprove of family planning, while more than half of them__________women disapprove. (education)

4 This programme gives children with___________a chance to get access to a benefit from a quality education. (disabled)

5. The UN works to reduce_____________and improve people's lives. (poor) 

6. UNICEF particularly aims to support the most________children all over the world (advantage)

7. WTO is the world's largest international __________ organisation. (economic)

8. Face-to-face learning allows us to communicate with teachers_________and directly (immediate) 

9. Learning in a traditional classroom has fewer__________than learning online (distract)

10. Students attend school camps to make friends with other students and to develop life skills in____________  environments. (familiar)

III. Complete the sentences with correct form of adjective(Comparative or superlative) in the basket

1. He is______________ student in my group. (clever)  

2 The red shirt is better but it's (expensive)___________than the white one (expensive)

3. The English test was_________than I thought it would be (easy)

4. This is____________film I've ever seen (exciting) 

5. The weather this summer is even_______than last summer (hot)

6. She is_________singer I've ever met. (bad)

7. Hot dogs are _________ than hamburgers (good)

8. They live in a big house, but Fred lives in a_____________one(big)

9. The Sears Tower is __________building in Chicago (tall) 

10. Daisy is_________student in my class (hard-working)

IV. Rewrite or Combine these sentences, as directed. 

1. You should open the wine about three hours before using (Using passive voice)


2 Members may keep books for three weeks. (Using passive voice)


3 Visitors must leave umbrellas and sticks in the cloakroom. (Using passive voice)


4. You must answer all the questions on the paper (Using passive voice)


5. My mother could take the lady to the station. (Using passive voice)


6. Her old house is bigger than her new one.

→Her new _________________________________

7 In the past, our country wasn't as active on the international stage as it is today


8.No member in my group is more mtelligent than Mary

Mary ___________________________________

9. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

No mountain ___________________________________

10. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl 

→Daisy is___________________________________

11. My father bought a motorbike The motorbike costs 2 thousand dollars. (Using relative clause)


12. This magazine is very interesting My parents bought it last week. (Using relative clause)


13 My brother is very kind to everyone You met his wife last week. (Using relative clause)


14.Tom is very careless. He lost his watch yesterday, (Using relative clause)


15. She was greatly influenced by her father. She adored him. (Using relative clause)


V. Write a paragraph (about 120-150 words) 

1. Writing about the pilot's job for men and women

Is the job traditionally done by men or women? 

What are the main responsibilities of the job! Give details.

What qualities do people need for the job? 

Give explanations Can both men and women do it? Give reasons.

Will people benefits from having both male and female pilots?

2. Writing about the benefits for Viet Nam as a member of international organizations

Opportunities for Vietnamese people

+Health: better health care 

+ Education: improved quality

+Career: more choices

3. Writing about the benefits of blended learning.

-Have more control over learning.

- Get access to lesson materials easily. 

-Develop better communication and teamwork skills


The end


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Đề Thi Tốt Nghiệp THPT Năm 2024
Thầy Thắng ĐỀ THI THPT 15
TOEIC PART 3 Short Conversations (10.06.2024)
Thầy Thắng PART III TOEIC 15


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